• Post Holidays Recap

    Happy Fesitvus! I trust everyone had a delightful holiday season. My wife and I in the Vandelay homestead had a beautiful Christmas. Our electricity had gone out from an abysmal storm the day before and a flooded basement with a few inches of water. It had taken the local power company roughly 24 hours before it was restored. We had a nice time anyhow with other fuel sources and much love and patience. We ducked out of our own home fore a little while and spent time with our loved ones who did have electricity before us in New Hampshire. Our New England family was pleasant company on a cold…

  • Happy Thanksgiving, gobble gobble!

    Have a great Turkey Day! This year Regina and I will not be going anywhere. From the comfort of our home we are hosting dinner for my in-laws. Regina’s folks are fantastic company as we usually attend their Thanksgiving out of state. My beautiful and charming cousin Katrina graciously extended an invitation to attend their Thanksgiving with other cousins, but we sadly had made other arrangements. Although she did share her recipe for twice baked potato casserole which we could not get enough of several years ago. And thank goodness Pennypacker and Varsen can’t make it! Regina and I have much to be grateful for. We survived our first year…

  • In the beginning… Vandelay Industries

    Welcome to ArtVandelay.net 2.0, I apologize as my inner geek had gotten the best of me and I had changed hosting providers and several portal frameworks and a few languages later here we are. If you’ve ever run a search on the world wide web for Art Vandelay you may have seen references to Seinfeld and a character in that series. A very funny comedy about nothing I would recommend though if you have nothing else to do. I was given permission many years ago from NBC and Sony to change my name to the likeness of the character. This webpage ArtVandelay.net is about my public blog, travel vlog, and…