• Generic,  Technology,  Video

    HaLow 802.11ah Field Test – Round 1

    Team SunOx finally started field testing HaLow (802.11ah) for range and speed. Here Erik and I are beside our antenna setting up our base station. Patrick is not in this photo who was also part of our test team. The short story is: at .4 miles we were able to steadily transmit about 3Mb. These are not great numbers as we were hoping for twice the distance at twice the speed. Alas this is test one and our Yagi antenna in this configuration could use some mathematical tweaking for efficiency. This is still far better than regular WiFi 802.11ac from your home for distance as they usually are good for…

  • Generic,  Technology,  Video

    SunOx Screecher, solar powered EV

    As I mentioned Vandelay Industries has partnered with SunOx earlier this year. When spending some time on the farm with Mr Delorme I had a chance to drive around the Screechers. They are a 100% solar powered golf cart which is about 15mph. Had much fun driving it around! Contact SunOx or myself for more details if your interested.

  • gail the snail
    Generic,  Video

    Gail The Snail

    This plan went off the rails and totally backfired. Instead of sweeping it under the rug I figured I post it anyhow in it’s full glory. Mary was suppose to roast me, I suggested she throw in a few jabs at my a$$hole cousin and my bad work ethic. She did a great job, but I should have specified that I wanted her in character as Gail with her saliva slurping and HJs under the table jokes. The 9/11 reference of my work history at the WTC didn’t go over well. Check out my resume in the tech subsection if your curious. My fault, she’s a wonderful actress on the…

  • tami stronach neverending story
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    The Childlike Empress

    Tami Stronach who plays the role of Childlike Empress on The Neverending story wishes Art and Gina Vandelay a beautiful wedding. Thank you Tami for making an appearance! Gina thought Tami was sincerely sweet. Gina and I were born in the 70s and grew up as 80s kids and any 80s kid will tell you that The Neverending Story was a loved movie. Thank you Moonchild! Check out other special guest star cameos!

  • Seinfeld,  Video

    Mickey Abbott

    Thank you Danny for the nuptual congratulations! Danny Woodburn is well known for his role of Mickey Abbott on Seinfeld. And thank you for playing trivia with us Danny! Mickey Abbott : You gave me gonorrhea and you didn’t even tell me! Cosmo Kramer : I gave you gonorrhea because I thought you’d have fun with it! Mickey Abbott : Well, you should have told me! Check out our other special guest star cameos!

  • doris
    Seinfeld,  Video

    Annie Korzen

    Annie Korzen from Seinfeld had words of encouragement for Regina and Art! Annie played the role of Doris Klompus on Seinfeld. She is the sweetest. Thank you Annie! Doris would like to borrow red your pocketbook to go with her shoes. Don’t forget to visit Annie Korzen’s TikTok page! She is an inspiration that she has adopted the technology, embraced it, and become an influencer in this day and age. Huzza! Check out our other special guest star cameos!

  • fred
    Seinfeld,  Video

    Fred Yerkes

    Fred had some time at to wish Gina a wonderful wedding. Even if he doesn’t remember all his exgirlfriends. Fred Stoller played the role of Fred Yerkes on Seinfeld. Thank you for making an appearance Fred! Check out our other special guest star cameos!

  • Mr Heckels
    Generic,  Seinfeld,  Video

    Mr Heckles

    Mr Heckles made a special appearance today! Fantastic neighbor, he is the quietest guy I know. Larry Hankin played the role of Mr Heckles on Friends as the neighbor. Friends is part of the NBC universe in which the series Friends, Mad About You and Seinfeld all took place at the same time in the same universe with cross overs. His cameo is hilarious! I can’t thank you enough Larry! Check out some of our other special guest star cameos!