HaLow 802.11ah Field Test – Round 1
Team SunOx finally started field testing HaLow (802.11ah) for range and speed.

Here Erik and I are beside our antenna setting up our base station. Patrick is not in this photo who was also part of our test team. The short story is: at .4 miles we were able to steadily transmit about 3Mb. These are not great numbers as we were hoping for twice the distance at twice the speed. Alas this is test one and our Yagi antenna in this configuration could use some mathematical tweaking for efficiency.
This is still far better than regular WiFi 802.11ac from your home for distance as they usually are good for 150′. A LoRa connection can go much farther in miles for transmission but much slower compared to HaLow. LoRa is Kb bursts every few seconds (text transmission basically) and HaLow is a stream of Mb (HD video).
We’re prepping for round 2 with improvements in antennas configurations and power output. News at 11!
In the meantime here is a video of the latest protype version of the Screecher. The Screecher is 100% solar powered eBike for carting stuff around. This version has far greater power, speed, and power efficiency.