Gail The Snail
This plan went off the rails and totally backfired. Instead of sweeping it under the rug I figured I post it anyhow in it’s full glory. Mary was suppose to roast me, I suggested she throw in a few jabs at my a$$hole cousin and my bad work ethic. She did a great job, but I should have specified that I wanted her in character as Gail with her saliva slurping and HJs under the table jokes. The 9/11 reference of my work history at the WTC didn’t go over well. Check out my resume in the tech subsection if your curious. My fault, she’s a wonderful actress on the…
Welcome to my WarZone
There is another side of the internet that we don’t see everyday or talk about, the silent war. The keyboard cowboys in the digital wild west. Today I setup a honeypot scanner today and within the first few minutes was able to visualize the constant bombardment internationally. Everyday I got people trying passwords, attempting to exploit me, nosey scanners who just want a peek, botnets trying to get a foothold, etc. These actors are not all bad, but most of them should seriously ask why they are watching me. I installed a honeypot setup called T-Pot which has many options for a network hive of honeypots all collecting data on…