The Architect
The Architect.
Despite my long career in technology and finance, I’m also an architect for a company in Idaho. More specifically I design rooves all day. Roofies are my thing. It’s a simple job, but someone has to do it and I don’t think they could live without me.
Snow in Maine gets heavy and deep and the rooves need adequate structural engineering to withstand the harsh winters. I don’t think this job would transfer well to Egypt or some other climate. I didn’t even ask to be an architect.
They said they needed help with Oracle and software development and when I got to the interview they pulled a switch-a-roo. That’s ok, I can do most anything, even if I was tricked. Although, I suspect I got the job because of my name.
Honestly, this job makes my life very difficult, as no one believes a word that comes out of my mouth, after I tell them I’m architecting. Thank you George for setting the stage for a life of ‘are you kidding me?’ by everyone I chat with. I should have had the name Agent Mulder, it would have been more exciting.

“I designed that roof, it didn’t even take long.”
-Art Vandelay

The software on the display is MiTek and it’s an engineering suite for designing structural loads, wood materials, and the metal connections.
Yes, I’m an architect. Help me, I’m being held hostage. Shameless promotion, if you have a need for a technology guru, give me a ring or send me an email.
My degree is mathematics and another in computer science.